Hi, we're Imogen and Freya - we love that you found iFink!
iFink was born from the frustration of approaching organisations about providing resources for teens only to be told ‘teens are too difficult!’ Science is often side-lined; we get that it's a tough subject and involves complex issues like climate change, GMO and why toast falls butter-side down (so annoying!!!), but this is exactly why we're setting out to make it understandable. Science does not live in a vacuum; we are science! Which is why our site is all full of travel, culture and general life shiz. We’ve big plans for i-fink…so sign-up for updates so you don't miss out.
We are both insane enough to study a triple-major, double degree - Science and Politics, and have lots of experience in tea-fuelled last minute all-nighters.
We're active in our community, love the night life of Sydney and are part of an orchestra at our university, which we founded. The orchestra...not the university! We've won a fair few awards & competitions, which for the moment, we won't bore you with.
We LOVE travelling, it really is a great way to meet new friends, have amazing experiences and learn how to handle life without a back-up plan. Mostly we've travelled around Europe but have visited a few other destinations. We'd love to do more and now just have to wait for a millionaire to invite us to talk about the environment in some interesting location - chances?
We have some people to thank:
Khurram Sikandar is a legend. He has worked with us through thick and thin on what was never going to be an easy project. He is truly the master of web design and has the patience of a saint!
To Digital Pacific who provide us with green-powered hosting, not only carbon neutral, but they're also brimming with technology and service. We love them!
A big thanks to Paddy and the gang at Webhead for providing us with the previous i-fink jnr site.
Lynn Gibson who is insane enough to have helped a couple of 10 year old girls set-up their first website.
To all those who've kept in touch and given us encouragement over the years.