What are Bacteria Here it is - every type of life on this planet classified and named. The 'tree of life' is made up of Bacteria, Archeaa and Eucaryota. Archaea and Bacteria are similar in that they're microbial (very small). Ba...
Microbes There are 10 times more microbes in our body than human cells. That's pretty scary! There's millions of different species of microbes on Earth, each has its own unique function and ability to live in various en...
Maintaining a Balance – Homeostasis Quite simply, if living organisms weren't able to maintain an optimum level of temperature and biochemistry, life would cease within moments. We all depend on a complex set of chemical reactions to maintain thi...
The Human Body The body is a fascinating place to explore; its made up of around 37.2 trillion cells, most of which aren't human. So what does that make us, human or a walking talking colony of bacteria?...