Space & Astronomy
“From out there on the Moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitc...
History of Fuel
If one thing changed us, it was discovering fire. We could cook food, which released more nutrients, so we became stronger and healthier. We didn't have to rely on animal skins to keep us warm, our caves had he...
Hot Spots of the Earth
Hot spots are places within the mantle where rocks melt to generate magma. We know where the hot spots are by the amount of volcanic activity that happens there. We may see volcanoes form. Red-hot magma from th...
The Climate Hiatus Debunked
Climate scientists use 'modelling' (complex software programs) to predict future global conditions. When the actual conditions don't match the predictions, theories are rapidly proposed.
Average global tempera...
Melting Polar Ice and sad polar bears
Sad polar bear
In every article about climate change, it’s pretty much guaranteed you’ll see a picture of a sad polar bear balancing on a small piece of floating ice....see right for ours.
Climate research c...
Future Foods
GM the good the bad & the ugly
The internet is full of articles and posts about how anything GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) are bad for us. There are activists who will destroy experimental crops because their belief is unshakeable th...
What Causes Earthquakes
Ancient cultures all had their own beliefs about what caused earthquakes. These ranged from the elephants holding up the world were getting tired (India), a flea-infected dog that was pulling a sled under the E...
Ocean Acidification
Ocean acidification is the result of increased greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
When we talk about climate change, pollution or the greenhouse effect, we tend to first look to the changes that ou...