If you could choose one gift for the world, but only one, what would it be? World peace? An end to hunger? Employment for all? The eradication of AIDS? Cancer? Mental illness?

Whilst each choice is worthy, they solve only one issue. But choose Kindness, says Michael Lloyd-White of the World Kindness Movement (WKM) and you make a positive impact on all life issues.

WKM started in Japan in 1997 and has since spread around the globe. Whilst the Secretariat is based in Australia, WKM is now represented across 24 nations and is growing fast. The mission of the World Kindness Movement is simple ‘inspire individuals and connect nations to create a kinder world’.

Kindness Ideas

Small Kindnesses

Smile and say hello to passers by on your walk.

When talking on the phone, smile. The smile will come through in your voice.

Pay someone a compliment.

Open a door for someone.

Offer to help someone with their bags.

Call your friend or a special family member: Tell them you were thinking of them and love them.

Choose to forgive someone you were angry or disappointed with.

Drop coins in a parking meter that is about to expire. Why not even leave behind a Kindness Card.

Recognise an act of kindness with giving an activated Kindness Card.

Give away an unactivated Kindness Card and inspire others to acknowledge Kindness acts.

Tweet or post Kindness messages to your followers and friends.

Take an extra piece of fruit or chocolate along and offer it to someone.

Buy lunch for a homeless person.

Keep someone company who may be on their own.

Throw a street BBQ to get to know your neighbours.

Stop someone from getting bullied. “We are better than this” “Is this the best we can be?”

Remind people, politely, they are gossiping and offer the opportunity to speak directly with the person they are talking about.

If the person behind you in the shopping queue only has a few items, consider asking them if they would like to go ahead of you.

Share your friends – invite individuals you know to all meet you for a coffee.

Chat to someone on the bus or train, offer someone your seat.

Bigger Kindnesses

1. Help someone find a job by using your contacts, checking their CV, practising interviews.
2. Regularly donate to a less-popular charity; mental illness, disabilities etc.
3. Volunteer to chat to the elderly at a retirement home.
4. Take a box of non-perishable food to a local church for them to pass on to someone in need.
5. Take part in local Council Community Projects – it’s your community too!

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